Monday, August 27, 2007

Where have all the singletons gone?

In Cincinnati, we often talk about "brain drain," the act of creative people leaving Cincinnati. But what about "Date Drain?" People are also leaving Cincinnati because dating in Cincinnati is, well, draining. Everyone knows everyone. Everyone's dated everyone. You meet someone and realize that they are the cousin of your last boyfriend. It's damn near incestual.

I'm still a new kid in Cincinnati- I've only been here about 13 years. Which, by Cincinnati standards, is a nanosecond. The funny thing is, as much as people complain about the small-town nature, they are reluctant to let it go. Cincinnati is like a microcosm of the immigration debate. Someone moves to Cincinnati, and it's like they immigrated from Micronesia. How are you supposed to relate- you don't even know their high school! And how are you supposed to meet them at the Friday night game. Does anyone realize that there are PROFESSIONAL sports teams in this city?

I honestly don't know how to fix this. I get involved in every activity I can, but I only meet people who are already dating their- of course! high school sweetheart. I talk to everyone I meet- I even went on a date with a guy I met at the grocery (of course, he was from London, so I guess it doesn't count). I do know this. Cincinnati will get smaller and smaller (literally) as long as people are in the hometown pride mindset. And Chicago, Columbus, Indy, and the like will get bigger as they embrace the newcomers.

Sooner or later, I'll decide it's time to settle down. I'll probably be in Chicago.

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